A Career and Mindset Coach's Tips for Building Confidence

Having joined the legal industry full-time post graduation and worked my up to Senior Lawyer, I witnessed first-hand the multitude of challenges that young lawyers encounter in their first few years in the corporate word. This inspired me to set up a coaching business to help young professionals navigate these tumultuous years, and ultimately, reach their personal and professional goals.

As a coach, a key issue that I see young professionals facing is building self-confidence. Self-confidence is essential to progression; believing in your own abilities and valuing your worth is the first step to getting others to believe in you. But when you’re trying to find your place in the professional world and don’t have years of experience to draw from, building confidence can be especially difficult.

Here are three tips I share with my clients to help them build confidence:

1.     Do things that scare you. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone – even by just an inch – will help you build confident habits. For example, if performance reviews make you anxious, get into the routine of asking for feedback regularly. Not only will this help you overcome the underlying fear, but it also gives you more data about what you’re already doing well, which will help you build confidence in your abilities.

2.     Build a personal highlights reel. Each of us brings unique strengths and skills to the table, but it’s easy to forget just how much value these talents add. Simply looking over your CV is a powerful reflective activity to remind you of how far your talents have taken you. Take this a step further by keeping a log of your ‘wins’ – however big or small - and use it to remind yourself of your achievements whenever you need a confidence boost.

3.     Cultivate an open mind and a positive mindset. It’s easy to turn down unexpected or ‘out-there’ opportunities out of fear of not being ready. But that last-minute networking event or left-of-field opportunity at work could be the first step in an exciting new direction; you never know where things could take you. Cultivate the belief that good things are out there for you; you just need to go and find them.

Tor is a Senior Lawyer at a City of London Law Firm and a Career and Mindset Coach. She founded Tor’s Law to help young professionals overcome challenges and unlock their potential. 

E-mail: info@torslaw.com

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